Viva Hoffmann
Leaving the Chelsea with Egg
With a reading by Garrett Nelson
and a concert by Magic Island
Viva Hoffmann - Icon of the 60s, former Andy Warhol Superstar, legendary denizen of the Chelsea Hotel and inspirational source for artists for 6 decades.
Her work has spanned from sex performances with Warhol, to text performances with Guy de Cointet, pioneering videotaping with Michel Auder and an actress in film classics like Wim Wender´s Paris, Texas or the marvellous 80s musical fantasy comedy Forbidden Zone. In Leaving the Chelsea with Egg, Viva tells the story of her long-standing relationship with the photographer William Eggleston, their common journeys through the US & her everyday life at the Chelsea Hotel. The book emphasises the perspective of a female artist who too often stood behind the men in her life, not out of choice alone.
Leaving the Chelsea with Egg is a book project initiated Garrett Nelson. Published by Blake & Vargas in August 2017. First presented at Kunsthalle Basel in September 2017.
Viva Hoffmann
Leaving the Chelsea with Egg
With a reading by Garrett Nelson
and a concert by Magic Island
Viva Hoffmann - Icon of the 60s, former Andy Warhol Superstar, legendary denizen of the Chelsea Hotel and inspirational source for artists for 6 decades.
Her work has spanned from sex performances with Warhol, to text performances with Guy de Cointet, pioneering videotaping with Michel Auder and an actress in film classics like Wim Wender´s Paris, Texas or the marvellous 80s musical fantasy comedy Forbidden Zone. In Leaving the Chelsea with Egg, Viva tells the story of her long-standing relationship with the photographer William Eggleston, their common journeys through the US & her everyday life at the Chelsea Hotel. The book emphasises the perspective of a female artist who too often stood behind the men in her life, not out of choice alone.
Leaving the Chelsea with Egg is a book project initiated by Garrett Nelson. Published by Blake & Vargas.